How to I properly store my clothes

Tips to protect your clothes

Zero Waste. Here’s how to avoid food waste.

Foods that freeze well (before their expiration date)
- Milk
- Bread
- Hard cheeses
- Grapes, bananas, chili peppers
- Meat-Cold cuts
- Butter
- Beaten raw eggs or raw egg whites
- Pastas
- Slightly boiled pasta (aldente)
- Fresh tomatoes or tomato sauce
- Cooked meat-chicken
Foods not suitable for freezing
- Egg-based dips (e.g. mayonause)
- Ketchup
- Soft cheeses
- Vegetables and fruits with high water content (e.g. cucumber-strawberries)
- Yoghurt
- Tender herbs
- Boiled eggs
- Cream or corrage cheese
Place cooked foods on the top shelves, where the temperature stays constant and is not too cold.
Eggs, dairy products, cold cuts, leftovers, cakes and products with the “Keep refrigerated after opening” label are placed on the middle shelves.
Be sure to keep family-sized yogurts tightly sealed to avoid bacteria from entering.
As for eggs, you can keep them on the kitchen counter for a few days in the winter, but in the spring and summer, it is best to keep them in the refrigerator.
This is the coldest part of your fridge. Here, food is kept as fresh as possible. Raw foods for example are kept on the lower refrigerator shelves.
Be sure to put fruits and vegetables in HOMEBAGS for food before storing in the refrigerator! Only take care to divide them appropriately, as some fruits, such as apples and pears cause others in near proximity to ripen quicker. As for herbs and green salads, never place them at the back of your refrigerator, because they may freeze over, and their leaves will stick together.
Place your fresh meat and seafood in HOMEBAGS for food, and store in a different drawer to avoid leaks over other items.
Try to avoid storing legumes, pasta, rice, canned food, flour and sugar in kitchen cupboards or food cabinets with a glass exterior so as to prevent direct contact with light, heat or moisture.
HOMEBAGS for food storage keeps all bulk food items intact after opening.
The refrigerator door is the warmest area, and best to avoid storing sensitive foods such as milk and eggs here.
Here, you can keep water, juice, wine, beer, soft drinks, foods with a long shelf life, jams, mustard, mayonnaise, soy sauce and various other types of spreads such as butter, which preserve well, even if you frequently open the refrigerator door.
Tips for good food preservation

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